Please Join Us for The Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference (AAAI-14)!
July 27–31, 2014, Québec Convention Center, Québec City, Québec, Canada
Collocated with CogSci 2014
Selected lectures and programs from this conference have been posted at VideoLectures.Net.
The Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-14) will be held July 27–31, 2014 in Québec City, Québec, Canada. The purpose of this conference is to promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) and scientific exchange among AI researchers, practitioners, scientists, and engineers in affiliated disciplines. AAAI-14 will have a diverse technical track, student abstracts, poster sessions, invited speakers, tutorials, workshops, and exhibit/competition programs, all selected according to the highest reviewing standards. AAAI-14 welcomes submissions on mainstream AI topics as well as novel crosscutting work in related areas.
An updated schedule (PDF and epub versions) and conference program is now available. (Posted July 23.)
Tutorials and workshops will be held July 27–28. Technical sessions will be held July 29–31.
Québec City, a UNESCO World Heritage Treasure, is North America's most European city, filled with museums and other historic attractions. Québec's beautiful Old Town (Vieux-Québec) is the only North American fortified city north of Mexico whose walls still exist. The convention center and conference hotel are only steps away from the historic section of Québec. AAAI will be preceded by the CogSci2014 Conference, July 23–26, and plans are underway for coordination of events that would be of mutual interest to conference participants.
For local information, please visit the Québec City Tourism site.
Related Conferences
While you are attending AAAI-14, you might also consider attending these colocated AAAI "In Cooperation" conferences in Quebec City
- 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society,
July 23-26, 2014
CogSci2014 - Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
July 23-27, 2014
UAI - Computational Neuroscience Meeting,
July 26–31, 2014
CNS 2014 - Artificial General Intelligence 2014, August 1–4, 2014
Registration Information
Registration Information
Registration Form
Program Overview
Online Technical Schedule
Conference Program (PDF)
Technical Schedule (PDF)
Technical Schedule (epub)
Accepted Papers
Invited Talks
Speed Dating (New!)
Senior Member Track
What's Hot Talks
AAAI-14 Women's Lunch (New!)
AAAI Community Meetings
Fun and Games Night
Proceedings Papers
Printed Proceedings
IAAI Conference
IAAI Call for Papers
IAAI Review Forms
IAAI Conference Committee
Other Programs
Tutorial Forum
EAAI Symposium
Workshop Program
Broadening Participation in AI
ExhibitsAAAI/CogSci Robotics Exhibition
Student Programs
Doctoral Consortium
Student Volunteer Program
Student Poster Program
Video Competition
Game of Hidden Information
The Venue
Conference Hotel/Transportation
Québec Convention Centre
Québec City Tourism site
Calls for Papers
AAAI-14 Call for Papers
Tutorial Forum Call for Proposals
Senior Member Track
EAAI-14 Call for Papers